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Blooming Norwich

Ellen Mary

However many cities I go to, which are mostly all interesting in their own way, Norwich is the best by far for me. The relaxed, cool, almost funky atmosphere surrounded by history, commerce and some of the most friendly people in the world, its a City with everything.

Norwich is pretty in many places and has wonderful open green spaces to enjoy. But, its the little things that please me! This year for example, have you noticed the wildflowers on roundabouts, especially St Stephens? Have you noticed the perfectly tended to flower beds around the city and in the approach to The Assembly House? Colourful hanging baskets outside the Adam & Eve pub and respectful beds full of colour in St Stephens church yard? If you haven’t, perhaps put Pokemon Go down and look all around you!

Many of these colourful areas are planned, planted and pruned by the team at Norwich in Bloom. There are many areas in the city they co-ordinate along with others such as Norwich City College students and other green fingered gardening volunteers.

So it goes without saying that Mustard TV have put together a show all about Anglia in Bloom, because lets face it, our county deserves to be celebrated and it was great to meet the teams involved in making our spaces special. It takes huge commitment and a lot of hard work so we hope you all enjoy my visits to St Stephens Churchyard, The Assembly House, Adam and Eve pub, Greenfingers Allotment, Grapes Hill Community Gardens, Merrivale Model Village and of course friends of the Mustard show, the rural village of Filby.

First up will be a piece on St Stephens Church which is part of the Mancroft Bid then each week you will find another super entry into Anglia in Bloom so keep your eye on Mustard to see my travels around our wonderful In Bloom communities.

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