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Ellen Mary

Seaside memories at Merrivale Model Village

I have often mentioned my Uncle Albert, one of the finest men I have ever known, in my garden musings. UA as I called him, was my inspiration for gardening with his perfectly mowed lawn, countless marigolds and huge cabbages! One lovely memory I have is of a summertime visit to Merrivale Model Village on Great Yarmouth seafront. As a child, it was almost magical and I can still remember being totally immersed in a world of fascinating miniature people, buildings and train tracks.

As part of the Anglia in Bloom series for Mustard TV, I have visited many entries into the different campaign categories and I was so excited that Merrivale was one of them!

Peter, the owner, was a super host being knowledgeable, passionate, a total professional with a splash of fun and whilst the core of Merrivale is still absolutely evident, the whole area has been renovated with exceptional precision which of course, includes the gardens.

Merrivale won a gold award last year in the commercial category in Anglia in Bloom and it was very clear why. It is a shining example of how a commercial business can be totally transformed and enhanced a great deal with planting.The planting was bright and gregarious with sunny, mixed bedding, perennials and shrubs sitting perfectly together around the model village. Shady, water falls surrounded by perfect hostas, bright pink hydrangeas outside posh model houses and a huge Cordyline bang in the middle which may technically be considered totally off scale but works entirely well in this situation.The gardens are a 12 month a year, daily task to keep on top of with barely a weed in sight, all coping well in the exposed, windy seaside position.

If you fancy a trip to the seaside, find the inner child in you and make your way over to the fantastic Merrivale Model Village, kids will love it and you will be impressed by the planting - I am confident of that! It was a happy trip down memory lane but with a much greater appreciation of the gardens. I am sure UA would have loved the new look Merrivale.

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