Now that the spring is officially upon us, it is almost time to get out into the garden once again and whip out the barbecue. Your garden will slowly be coming back to life during this next few weeks, and you will see the effect that winter really has on your garden. One of the places you might see a few changes is your patio.
Even though you might think your patio will never change, it will weather and become more brittle over time. And even if your patio is in working order are you using it to its full potential? If you want to make some fun changes to your garden this year, here are a few things you can add to the patio to make it feel brand new.
New paving
You might as well start from the bottom and work your way up. If your patio is looking drab and dirty this month, why not invest in some Bradstone Paving and relay the patio! It will bring a new lease of life to the garden right away and give you a perfect foundation to add furniture and accessories later on.
A Table
Once the days start to get a little warmer and brighter you might want to spend more time in your garden at the weekend and even after work. A perfect addition to your patio would be a small table and chairs which you can fold up and cover when you go back inside. It will give you the chance to get some fresh air and enjoy the spring sun in your own private space. And it also means when you have visitors you can go outside!
A Drinks Cart
Drink carts aren’t just a piece of furniture for the inside of the house, they can be a great addition to your patio for when you have people over during the summer months. You can even use a plant rack on wheels to store the drinks and serve them up to your family and friends. If you don’t want to buy a cart, you can even use a wheelbarrow full of ice to store your beers! Plant Pots
Now that you have a solid space to enjoy your time in the garden, you can take advantage and add some decorative plant pots to the patio for extra effect. You can either choose a long, red grass, a mixture of small flowers or even simply store your herbs and fruit!
Soft furnishings
You might think that outdoor furniture is limited to rattan, metal or plastic chairs, but you can actually buy a full sofa suite and waterproof cushions for your outdoor space. If you fancy adding a splash of colour to the space why not invest in some coloured cushions for your chairs. They will be waterproof so you won’t have to worry about leaving them outside in the rain.
The key to creating a magical atmosphere in your garden is to bring in some soft lighting. If you decide to spend the summer nights sitting on your patio, you might want to invest in some solar powered fairy lights to put on the wall of your home and even solar lights for the plant beds to give that extra glow. If you love fire, you can also invest in a wood burner to make those summer nights really special for the family.