I spent some time at Glee this week, from a behind the scenes social media takeover of the Glee accounts to a day of meandering all to myself. Glee is a horticultural trade show with 550 exhibitors and 40 new products on show this year. With so much to see and loads of inspiration, it's pretty hard to pick the top five products I found but after much deliberating, here goes:
1. Stackable Vertical Garden by Ugreeny

Everything ready to start growing, because its just a box! Seriously, how come no one has thought of this before?! Just think of stackable crates. Stack, re-arrange, move - super easy. With a water reservoir as well, so you can create any shape. Perfect for smaller spaces such as balconies and against walls. I am totally having some!
2. Vertical planters by Haxnicks

It was great to see many products targeting smaller spaces and easy gardening all in one go. There were a few Haxnicks products of interest from bamboo pots, to potato bags that encourage better root growth but I loved the vertical container planters - you can see there is an urban theme here in my mind but anything that gets people growing gets my vote!
3. Moss Moose by Artopya

Yes thats right, a moss moose. Its green, its a novelty but also great for nature in the garden whilst providing a fun focal point. Artopya create figures of animals from a wire frame and stuff them with moss. Easy to look after, stunning to look at plus you can add your own creativity to it...add in some succulents for example. I am just waiting for that big garden
4. Agapanthus 'Fireworks' by Wyevale Nurseries

I do love an Agapanthus and 'Fireworks' immediately caught my eye. The flowers are like an explosion of bangers in the sky! Definitely one for my urban jungle next year.
5. Giant Dahlia Flower Stakes by Eden Bloom

There have been plenty of metal flowers at all of the shows this year. Definitely trendy and brilliant for giving some interest in the garden all year around. Why not have Dahlias in January hey!? From smaller Lilies to giant Dahlias with a purple shimmer, there were loads to choose from. I might even add in a Flamingo with mine