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Ellen Mary

Attracting Garden Pollinators by Jean Vernon - book review

If I ask you to think of bees...what springs to mind? A busy bumble bee or a honeybee probably, buzzing around your garden flowers. But if you read the new book by Jean Vernon you'll learn there are in fact over 20,000 species of bee from the Tree Bumblebee to the Cuckoo Bee - and what's more - they don't all necessarily live in harmony. It's a wild world of interconnected streams of nature.

In the plight to save the all important bees over the last few years, we have perhaps forgotten about the many other garden pollinators that can be attracted to gardens for a healthy ecosystem as well. In Jean's new book, a following on from her previous book 'The Secret Lives of Bees', learn about many pollinators, how to attract them and why they are so important.

If you want to encourage pollinators, share your garden with wildlife for the overall benefit of your garden, the wider community and the planet then have a read of Jean's lovely book with some fabulous photography. There will undoubtedly be bees you've never seen before and insects you perhaps hadn't realised were beneficial in the garden.

My new favourite bee thanks to Jean's book is the Ashy Mining Bee because it looks like a Panda! Isn't nature marvellous.

Author: Jean Vernon

Purchase Attracting Garden Pollinators in all good bookstores and HERE.


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