Do you feel as though your lawn just isn’t the best that it can be? Maybe you feel as though it could be brighter, less patchy or even just improved overall. If this is the case then you can find out everything you need to know, right here.
Aerate your Lawn
If you are like most people, then you will soon find that your lawn is one of the most-used parts of your landscaping. This is especially the case if you have kids or if you have pets. Over time, you may find that the grass becomes compacted. You may even find that the chore of mowing your lawn can also cause soil compaction too, and this is the last thing that you need. Compacted soil can cause you problems with nutrient absorption, water drainage and even air circulation too. Additionally, earthworms, which are beneficial soil organisms, are not able to establish themselves in soil that is hard and compacted. If you want to green-up your grass then you need to aerate your lawn. If you want to do this then punch some holes in your lawn and go around 3 inches deep. You should do this once a year to prevent the above issues.
Water your Lawn Deeply
Turning on your sprinklers for a few minutes every week won’t do much for your lawn. If you want to have a healthier lawn, then you need to make sure that you water your grass deeply. If you water your lawn infrequently, and do it deeply then you will find that your grass grows deeper into the soil. This will help your grass to stay green even during hot weather. Of course, you should water your grass during periods of drought or extremely hot weather. Experts however, recommend that you water your grass with 1 inch of water. If you’re not sure how to do this then place some shallow container containers around your yard, and turn on your sprinklers until you have an inch of water in every container you have.
Natural Fertilisers
Why not consider using natural fertilisers instead of using synthetic ones? When you make the switch to natural ones, you will soon find that they are way better for the environment and that they work much better too. If you still feel as though your lawn is bad after using natural fertilisers then click here to find out more about grass seed and how you could re-sow your garden to get it looking great again.
Grass Cycle
Grass-cycling essentially involves letting your lawn use the grass clippings that are leftover from mowing. The great thing about doing this is that it’s easy and the benefits speak for themselves. When you grass cycle, you will be returning vital nutrients to the soil and from there, they will decompose. Grass is also a natural mulch, meaning that it can retain water. Grass-cycling will save you time and it will also help you to add some nutrients to your soil as well.