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Securing Your Garden During Winter

Contributed Content

Updated: Apr 19, 2021

Winter is a time when the days become much shorter and the nights are long and cold. This is the season when, for our garden, things can be tougher and unpredictable.

If you want to protect your garden and your family home this winter, it is important for you to do some work in order to secure your garden and prepare it for the cold months ahead.

Here are some of the things you can do this month to make a big difference to your garden and also secure your property.

Use copper wire to get rid of slugs

If you have any winter crops growing at the moment such as lettuce or broccoli, you will want to ensure that your crop doesn’t get eaten by hungry slugs who might also find a warm home in-between the leaves. Consider using copper wire to create a border around your vegetable patch and this will deter slugs from coming to steal your crops. This is a much more humane choice than to use salt or slug pellets and will not release chemicals into your soil.

Install plenty of lights

When securing your garden for the winter you need to consider how much time will be spent in the dark. To ensure that you don’t trip and hurt yourself when out in the garden in the evening, be sure to install some lights and illuminate your space. You can also research the best place to use flood lights to get the most out of your outdoor lighting this winter. The added benefit of lights is that if potential intriders approach your home they will be deterred by lights.

Cover your pond

In the winter if you want to ensure that your wildlife stays safe and sound it's a good idea for you to cover your pond with a sheet or a grate. This will keep your animals and plants safe for the winter while they hibernate and ensure that they don’t get hunted. It will also help to stop leaf fall into the water.

Clear out your beds

When looking after the garden for winter, it's important to clear your plant beds from any dead or diseased materials. Get rid of dead plant matter as well as leaves and be sure that your beds are ready for the spring. It means you will be less likely to slip on slimy plant matter and there will be less homes for pests and disease.

Plant thorny bushes

It is a great idea to plant thorny bushes such as holly underneath your windows in the garden in winter. The thorns will deter intruders and the shrubs will also provide homes and food for wildlife. You can even opt for a thorny hedge around the perimeter of your garden to protect your property.

Bolt the shed

It's important to secure your shed to keep your lawnmower, gardening tools and bikes safe. Use a good padlock and place garden pots or other items in front of the door to make access more difficult.

Check Your Insurance

Gardening tools can be expensive to replace if they are stolen and not to mention inconvenient. When storing your gardening equipment away from the winter make a list of everything you have in the shed and take pictures too. This will allow you to give a complete picture of items that need replacing should this happen.

Make sure to check with your insurance company that your shed is covered. If not it may be worth adding it to your policy. This way if you make any purchases over the winter from a hydroponics store, garden center, or supplier, you can be confident they are fully insured if they are being stored in your shed or outside buildings until spring.

We hope that these small tips can help you keep your garden safe and secure this winter.


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